Stormy Update

I’ve been busy cross stitching this month and am making great progress on my HAED – Heaven and Earth Design – Stormy.

WIP 7-22-20

I do believe it will be completed in another week or two, and I still love this design.   Considering I’ve spent quality time stitching on this project, I’m very happy I still love the design.

I am so over stitching with filament thread though.  A few thousand stitches call for this material, and as most cross stitchers know, filament thread is a bear to use.  Short strands and bees wax are helpful, but it still separates like crazy.

It will also be very nice not to stitch so many creams, off whites, light greys and many shades of taupe.  I can barely see them against the fabric, but what a difference they make.  The tree branch on the right in the photo is completed.  The tree branch directly under the owl is not.  Big difference, true?

I’m still attending ZOOM meetings with my art group, and it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to meet at our regular location for the rest of the year.  The internet sure has been a wonderful asset during these trying times.

I hope you are all taking care, staying safe and being creative.


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