Happy New Year

I’m doing a year end wrap up and it has been a doozy of a year for me.

Lots of cross stitching happened this year, and I missed a full month in the hospital and rehab home, so was a bit surprised when I realized I stitched 119,761 full cross stitches over 5 projects:

The Finery Of Nature a Dimensions kit

Morning Praise a Dimensions kit

Stormy a Heaven and Earth Design

Aviator Owl CutePatternsbyMaria – an Etsy shop

Old World Map 2 a Golden Kite design

All have been pictured on the blog before except for Aviator Owl, so I didn’t post additional photos of them, but here’s a photo of Aviator Owl:

There is always debate amongst cross stitchers about back stitching, and this design has a LOT of backstitching. I think it really adds to the design, but am not a fan of the technique. My husband can’t see any difference between the two eyes. Can you? I can. I think it adds a lot of definition to the stitch out which is why I’m hanging in there and will continue stitching the back stitching.

I used a hand dyed fabric for this and when I ordered it, I thought it was more a stormy sky blue. I got grey. I don’t think it’s a great fabric choice and plan on adding a little blue to the fabric by lightly brushing on diluted Tsukineko ink with clear aloe gel. Sure hope it works.

I also changed a couple of the colors. The scarf called for 2 shades of orange. I’m a red and white scarf person, so used a mystery red from my thread collection for DMC 970, and DMC 321 instead of DMC 606. It really pops, and I wanted it to pop.

I’ve also worked on scrap quilts, and an embroidered quilt. Surprise, surprise, 2020 was a good year for creating after all. I don’t make plans because, heck, I’m retired. I have the luxury to do what I want, when I want, so anything accomplished is always celebrated. I am well and truly blessed.

A short update on my leg. My appointment was moved up as staff is being moved from private doctor’s offices to the hospitals because of Covid. sigh Please take care everyone.

Thursday’s x-rays showed my bone is still healing, but I’ve been approved for 25% weight bearing. If I do well, then it will be increased. If I do lousy, it’ll stop, then be restarted a week later.

I still have to wear the big brace for another 4 weeks, but I’ve been slowly gaining range of motion. I can now bend my knee 70 degrees. Yeah for that! This progress might be like taking baby steps, but I’m moving in the right direction. It’s good as far as I’m concerned.

I wish all my readers a Happy, Healthy 2021. May you surround yourself with kindness, serenity and creativity.


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