I am so happy to be in 2022, and hoping it’s much better than the last two years.

Lots of stitching got done and a little bit of sewing. Would you believe I got over 217,000 cross stitches accomplished in 2021? When you’re stuck in a hospital bed and not able to walk for a good portion of the year, you either eat a lot, drink a lot, watch a lot of TV, or stitch. I stitched.

At the tail end of the PT for my broken leg, I managed to break a couple of bones in my back, so once again it wasn’t much moving around. This time I also ate a lot, and it shows. Such is life.

I did manage to get some sewing done in December though. I made a drawstring scroll frame bag from my hand dyed fabric, and scroll frame grime guards from some JoAnns sale fabric.

I also started a new cross stitch project. It’s called Mini Dandelions by Heaven and Earth Design. This is a screen capture from their website:

This image touches my heart. We have a lot of fox on our property, and I love seeing them every year. The first 6 rows of the pattern are completed and I am stitching 1 thread over 1 square on 28 ct Easy Grid Aida. Bring on the magnifier!!!

Alas, the magnifier is back home, and I’m in Tucson. I’m not about to purchase another big floor lamp and magnifier. I do manage to stitch 2 threads worth of x’s first thing in the morning. I keep on telling myself each stitch counts, and you know what? It does add up. This won’t get this completed in 2022 now, but does it really matter? I think not.

Plans? I don’t make any. Expectations can be stressful. I’m all about going with the flow. It’s easy for me to say that, as I’m retired. I really don’t HAVE to do anything. Each day unfolds, and somehow it’s filled with what I enjoy – family, stitching, good food, and plenty of TV shows now that we’ve dumped cable TV and have Netflix, Disney and Hulu – for 1/4 the $$$.

I hope 2022 is kind to all of you and full of creativity. Stay strong, stay safe and


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