We’re Home

Hi Everyone!!!  We’re back home and let me tell you, we were motivated to get back home.  My husband drove the long route – to avoid all toll booths and touching money or other people’s hands – and he still did it in 4 days.  They were long days, but you never saw two people so happy to get home as the two of us.

I’m working on two projects:  a donation quilt that should have been completed in Tucson, but we left two weeks early, so I missed 4 sewing days, and my cross stitch project.  Both are active works in progress.

We are staying put in our home, and the days are going by quickly.  I sew a little, I cross stitch a little, I do laundry a little, clean a little, walk 30-45 minutes everyday,  and cook a little.  Oh, I’ve been ordering a lot of goodies too.  😉

Here is the progress on my cross stitch – The Finery of Nature:

Diane 2

The cross stitching and back stitching is completed and so is the green couched thread.  There is still lots of couching to be done, and I’m supposed to add gold metallic French Knots, but haven’t decided if I’ll add them or not.  It’s in my medium sized wooden quilt hoop.  That’s what you see in the 4 corners.

Working on this black fabric was easy in Tucson.  It was sunny all the time, and I had a good spot in the RV to cross stitch.  Home?  Home is a different story.  We’ve seen the sun once in 7 days, and had snow, rain, and gloomy, dark days for the rest of the week.  That’s how the ordering came about.  I decided I need a Brightech magnifier/light combo.  Amazon to the rescue.  Not really though.  The company is located in Los Angles.  Looks like I’m going to have a very long wait for that order to be delivered.

You know what?  That’s okay.  I understand.  Oh, I’d like my light, but I’d rather have everyone involved stay healthy.  I can wait.

In the interim, I brought my Ott light down so I could couch the green thread today, and it worked, but it also did what it usually does – hurt my eyes.  Am I the only one who has problems with that light?  I’ll only work on this project when the sun is out from now on.

While I miss my friends and attending the meetings I enjoy, I’m discovering staying at home isn’t horrible.  Granted, I have food, electricity, water, the all important toilet paper, books to read – the real deal – the ones you hold in your hand and turn pages,  and plenty of projects and supplies to keep me busy.  I’m one of the lucky ones.  My heart goes out to the many who have been laid off, have bills that need to be paid, and children home from school.   Their stress level must be sky high.

I can’t help everybody, but I can donate to Foodlink, and you can bet I tip the people who make deliveries to the house.

All the people who are working in essential jobs – medical staff, truckers, fire and police personnel, military, waste management, etc…  All I can do is pray for them, make masks,  and thank them for their service.

Let’s see if we can flatten the curve, and be kind to all.



One Response to “We’re Home”

  1. ailelana Says:

    Stay safe 🙂

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